Hong Kong
1 kidnapped
Whack- thump- slap this is the
biggest china man I had ever seen must have been 6ft at least and big muscled with it and he
did not want to leave with the others but
I was in no mood to argue we had had
a busy day and already caught over 200 illegal immigrants running away from communist
china already and earlier that day I had
a dear john letter from Joan which put me in a foul mood the last year had gone
so quick and I was not about to take jack shit from any one after reading that so
I waded in all fists and feet with no regard to his size the bigger they are the harder they fall.
After I had managed to subdue him he was put on the bus with
the others to go to the processing centre and we then went to clean up and fill
in the reports on the days captures after I finished the reports I got Joan's
letter out and started to think back about what had happened with us on my last
visit home she had refused to even speak to me
or letting me see my daughter and now she has met some else Greta said
its one of the doctors at the army hospital and now she wants a divorce.
Seeing the mood I was in One of the guys suggested we go and
get pissed as it was our weekend off so off we went in to town after quite a
few drinks I started to calm down and let it all out of my system by explaining
to the guys what had been happening with me and Joan since we had got married.
Whilst I was on the toilet the guys had secretly arranged
for a local prostitute to come over and flirt and make me a little bit happier
she was a stunner with dark hair and olive skin and we hit it off from the
start her name was Millie and before very long it started to rain and still
half pissed we found our selves in a hotel together.
As soon as we got through the door pure lust took over first
tearing our clothes off then having a smooch before getting down to the floor shaging doggy style then on the
bed it had been over a year since i last had a shag and it was taking ages for
me to come we then shaged in the shower before she finally brought me to a
climax with a good hard wank and suck and then we spent all the weekend having
some dirty sexy fun before I had to return to base.
Midday on Monday I received a phone call asking me to go to
the local police station as soon as possible on arriving I was taken to the
station chief who informed me the a member of the embassy staff had reported
that their daughter Penny had been kidnapped and they had received a ransom
note and because of their status the army was asked to investigate along side
the police.
After leaving the police station I made some calls and went
to visit some local guys that I knew who were always in the know (possible tong
members) and they suggested that I talk to May-ling one of the missing girls school
mates and they set up a meeting for me with her for the next day at the temple.
On arrival at the temple this pretty young Chinese girl in
school uniform came up to me and introduced herself to me as May-ling and asked
what I wanted from her I explained about the kidnapping and told her that I had
been told she had Intel for me but she just said that she didn't know anything
but as she said this she could not look me in the eye and then she just barged
out of the temple.

As I followed her out of the temple into the gardens I
grabbed her and said you are holding out on me tell me what you know or I will
lock you up she then sheepishly said ok I might know some one that knows about
it meet me later at about 10 at the graveyard I might know more by then.
whilst waiting I went back to base and started to fill in
the paperwork on the case whilst there I heard a ruckus in the outer office and
I popped my head out to see what was going on and saw that it was the girl
Millie from the weekend and she was demanding
to see me she said she had heard from one of her friends about the kidnapping.
She want on to explain that one of her friends had over herd
some guys in the bar had drunkenly talked about May-ling and her plans to
kidnap the ambassadors daughter they said she was very jealous of her and her posh ways and she wanted them
to have a bit of fun with her to teach her a lesson and to get some quick
Things are starting to come together and we need to act
fast a delay would disastrous and things
had to happen fast if we were going to rescue her I asked if she or her friend
knew where they are staying but she said she didn't know I thanked her and gave
her some money out of petty cash and went to arrange a surprise for May-ling at
our meeting tonight.
At the grave yard I started to question her again and she
pulled out a photo of two men she I heard it was these guys that had kidnapped
her but I don't know where they are I said ok thanks took the photo off her and
then followed her out where a police officer said right you are now under
arrest for kidnapping and started to read out her rights she turned and tried
to escape and ran strait into my arms I then handed her to one of the police officers
who took her away for questioning.
At her interview it did not take long for her to tell us
everything and we then made plans to rescue
her from them.
It was now early morning and the sun had just come up we
carefully approached the apartment where Penny was being held when we heard a
scream I positioned my self at the door with my pistol in hand and with a good
shove the police officer kicked it open when he kicked the door open we could
see that they were attempting to rape penny we and as we entered we shouted.
Armed police you are under arrest arms
behind your head and stand against the wall with that we pushed
our way into the room where our Hong Kong police man interpreted what we where
saying as the kidnappers are both Chinese and by the look of them triads.
WE then escorted the kidnapers to the waiting police van and
they were then taken away the girls mother and father then came to us thanked
us for our speedy work and took her home we then went and filled in the reports
before going to the bar for a drink and thanking Millie for her help.