Hey everyone!
this is by my friend at BAS Sciguy77
It's a full body plunge mini skirt that is designed to
have clothing as accessories worn underneath. If you don't have them -- no
worries -- your Sim will wander around naked underneath, showing off everything
she was born with.
There are 4 presets, as shown in the pic. The 1st one has the nice folded cloth
texture and is completely opaque. #2 is the same texture, but 50% transparent.
#3 is a somewhat boring flat texture, also opaque. #4 is boring, flat, 50%
transparent. I couldn't find a color that looked bad with any of them, so
recolor to your heart's content. There isn't much there, so there's only 1
recolorable channel though.
I ran this mesh through a lot of different
animations, making adjustments to clear up clipping issues. The only issues I
came across were at the breasts when they're made overly large. It's my
understanding a lot of you prefer Sims with oversized hooters,
What makes this mesh unique is the fact that there's a complete body underneath
the clothing. This pic will show what I'm talking about.
You can look down through the skirt and see the ground underneath. The same
holds true with the butt cleavage, as long as your sim is the proper weight and
build for that cleavage to be present. I couldn't get a good camera angle to
take the pic, but its there!

This was made using Leigh's body. I prefer a nice round bottom and breasts with
a little shape to them. It will NOT interfere with the Maxis default body or
any other CC you already use, other than making your Sim a little more shapely
when wearing this outfit.
Over the next day or so I'll try to throw together a nice package of clothing
as accessory items that will work nicely with this new dress/top/skirt --
whatever you want to call it.
Here's the link for the original, non-transparent version:
Get the sheer one here: